International fellowship at University of Torino (Italy)

Train To Move (T2M) is a new international fellowship programme conceived by the University of Torino and implemented with the support of the European Commission.
T2M aims at maximizing career opportunities for incoming experienced researchers through a transnational mobility experience, enriched by the development of individual research projects and by the offer of an extensive training on soft skills.

Beneficiaries: T2M provides incoming fellowships to researchers, who at the time of the call deadline, have up to 7 years since PhD or have a track record in full time equivalent research activities of 4-10 years in the last ten years since MSc. Mobility can be from EU Member or Associated Countries or from other Third Countries. Fellowships will last 24 months.

Deadline: May 5, 2014.

Applications: proposals must be submitted through the online application tool available in the intranet section of T2M website

Call for proposals: see the attached pdf (research areas in the humanities are listed at p. 20; among them, "Kant and Neo-Kantian tradition"; the full list can be checked also at

T2M_Call.pdf791.33 KB

Contact: info [at]